21 Home Improvement Ideas on Budget
You’re sure to find something in your price range that will save even more on your energy bill. Not every clogged drain or drippy faucet needs professional plumbing help. With a few inexpensive tools, an informational article or two and a little patience, you’ll be surprised how simple some of the fixes really are. The bright, colorful wallpaper that had been popular now has to go. Renovate your home using primarily neutral colors on walls, floors and ceilings. Add color with furniture and accents that are far less expensive to replace later when they fall out of favor.
Tim’s new assistant, electrician Heidi Keppert, played by Debbe Dunning, replaced Anderson as the Tool Time Girl for the following third season, starting with “Maybe Baby”, which aired on September 15, 1993. Dunning had previously appeared in the episode “Overactive Glance” from season 2 where she …