Getting a violation letter is never pleasant news. You will receive these letters if you might have broken a rule of the association. It should be noted that these letters are only sent to make sure that everyone follows the laws and regulations and not to shame the homeowners.
HOA rules protect the safety, values, and cleanliness of the community you live in. The rules state what will and will not be allowed in the community.
What does a warning letter contain?
A warning letter is to be seen as a reminder. All it entails is that you’ve broken a rule, what the consequences are for not correcting the mistake, and the time by when you have to get it done. The reason the board does not ignore the first-time offenses is that it acts as proof later on if the matter escalates, stating that the owner was given a warning at the first instance and contact scottsdale az hoa management
Steps to take when you receive a violation letter.
An owner will be given two to three warning letters before receiving a formal violation letter from the HOA. The homeowner may comply and agree to make the necessary changes or may disagree and claim that they are not at fault.
Either way, you shouldn’t ignore it. Here are the things that you need to follow to respond to a violation letter:
- Read the letter carefully.
Read the letter carefully and let everything written absorb. Make sure you know what is expected of you, what actions you are to take, and why you were sent the letter. Keep the letter as evidence. If the rule mentioned does not fall under the HOA, you are not at fault and have a strong case.
- Calm yourself down.
It is natural to feel angry, especially if the allegations are false. Do not be aggressive with the board, the violation committed, or the HOA members, and take action in your own time.
- Send an adequate response.
Understand the letter and respond to it. If you agree to it, make sure that you inform the sender that you will take the necessary action within the allotted time. If you disagree, make sure you ask questions, explain your side, and provide evidence to support it.
- Attend the hearing.
You will be given time before your hearing, so make sure to prepare for it properly. The hearing will be where you will create a case on why you should not have received the letter. Make correct and relevant arguments in the given time by the board.
- Appeal
You will get a decision from the board in the stipulated time. If the board finds you guilty of breaking a rule, the board will impose a fine for the owner’s failure to make necessary changes. If the owner feels they were in the right and haven’t broken a rule, they may appeal.